Heliodor is a golden beryl, and a cousin to Aquamarine (blue beryl). Metaphysically, Heliodor links the mind and the will centers. It brings a ray of knowledge and enlightenment in understanding what might be next in our lives and encourages a sense of hope, possibility and vitality to the emotional body. It is empowering and optimistic, and assists in learning whatever is necessary to promote change in one's reality, helping to accomplish one's dreams and goals. It is the ultimate confidence and well-being crystal, often called the sunshine stone.
Hematite is a wonderful grounding stone. It represents the manifestation of the union of Spirit and the physical world. It brings the highest of frequencies into the range of physicality so manifestation of our highest purpose is possible. Hematite has also been known to lend energetic support for any ailment of the blood and detoxification process.
Specular Hematite may help you to recognize how your unique gifts may be applied in any given situation. This allows for the everyday to become a true expression of your spirit.
Hemimorphite is of the empathy stones. Blue Hemimorphite aids in communication of inner feelings toward healing unhealthy or damaged relationships. It is also used to encourage compassion and increase psychic abilities while developing inner strength.
Herkimer Diamonds are stubby, glossy, double terminated quartz crystals that are found only in and around Herkimer, New York. These quartz “diamonds” help to open the higher chakras and they emanate a high and harmonious energy. They are great stones for dream and vision work. These stones have a very pure etheric radiance and can help to purify one’s energy field and attune to the higher spiritual domains. Herkimers are also great magnifiers of other stones, helping to amplify the energy of gentler or smaller stones.
Heulandite is from the Zeolite mineral family and is often seen growing alongside akin stones such as Apophyllite. Heulandite is a wind element stone that forms in both white and green variations.
Green Heulandite refocuses our attention to the heart center and supports emotional healing and compassionate awakening. It promotes a strong and resilient aura and a joyful state of mind and can assist in maintaining alignment with a heart-centered consciousness.
White Heulandite is a more visionary stone that the green variety. It helps open the third eye and stimulate the channel for intuitive guidance and remote viewing. Its energy brings clarity and synchronization to the brain that helps us become more attuned to subtle signals.
Hiddenite is the name given to the yellow to green variety of Spodumene and is closely related to its pink cousin, Kunzite. Hiddenite is also a heart stone that works closely with the energy of interpersonal love, healing the heart and a deep understanding of gratitude. Hiddenite helps to instill a sense of renewal in our hearts and emotional body. This can help in rediscovering the joy and genuineness of our experiences and relations with others. It is considered a Master stone of the Heart, teaching how to receive divine love and return that love in kind.
Hollandite appears inside of Quartz minerals and can be identified as tiny dots or an array of little tiny star clusters. This Quartz variety is attuned to the energy of Illumination, Regeneration and Alignment with Spirit. It works closely with all energy centers, helping to shift vibrational patterns and instilling a powerful state of self awareness. Its energy can help bring forth more Light within the self, helping to provide insight and revelation that may realign one's life with one's purpose.
Hypersthene is a dark, nearly black mineral with varying shades of iridescent gray to golden brown flashes. It is associated with the Third eye and can be a great aid with visual imagery. This stone encourages us to look within, find the aspects of our shadow-side that needs healing, and then illuminate and expand our self-awareness into a state of wholeness. It can help greatly with creative visualization and manifestation qualities as well!
Iolite resonates with the energy of twilight, a beautiful violet-blue that stimulates the astral bodies and psychic awareness. It reveals realms beyond the usual waking consciousness and is ideal for astral projection, dimensional and other inner vision works, and is excellent for past- and alternate-life work. Iolite is a stone of the muses, activating the visionary, creative side of the mind, and accessing thoughts and ideas beyond the ordinary. It inspires creative self-expression through writing, song, movement and other artistic endeavors.
Jade is traditionally green in color and has long been used as a stone of health and abundance. It has a very nourishing energy that represents the flow of Divine energy and Universal abundance. Jade strengthens the energy systems, facilitating peace within the mind, body and spirit.
Red Jade a stone of individual power and will. For gentle souls who have difficulty asserting themselves, this stone is for you. It brings the warrior energy encouraging action through wisdom.
The name Jasper comes from a Greek word meaning "spotted stone". It is a microcrystalline variety of quartz, where the crystals are laid out like sugar like grains rather than layers. In addition to quartz, it is included with foreign material which makes for many different variations of the stone. There is a wide variety of Jaspers found all over the world. (See individual titles for more information).
Jet is a strong stone of purification and protection. It can purify and clear the aura the same way that charcoal can filter out and clear impurities from water. It is also an ideal stone for cleansing other crystals, gems and jewelry.
Kambaba Jasper is a stone of Peace and Tranquility, imbued with the nourishing green energy of Nature. Its slow steady frequency expands one’s ability to focus and is a remarkable aid in meditation, granting the release of negative thoughts and feelings, especially those that plague one’s consciousness on a continual basis. Stimulating the Heart Chakra, Kambaba Jasper draws wisdom from its ancient life energies and encourages one to open the heart to loving the self and others more fully, and increases the ability to receive love in return
Blue Kyanite is a stone of connection. It acts as an energetic link creating pathways of energy. It can bridge energetic blocks in the aura and physical body and can also work to create new pathways around emotional blockages between people. Kyanite resonates with the Third Eye chakra and encourages us to act upon intuitive guidance and activates interdimensional consciousness.
Green Kyanite harmonizes with the energies of nature and helps one to unite with the truth of the heart. This variety can of Kyanite mirrors the blueprint of nature in which it is constantly seeking balance. Just as in nature, it helps the user find a state of equilibrium.
Black Kyanite is both grounding and energizing. This is very useful in energetic healing as it clears blocked energies in the chakras and replenishes the meridian system. Also a great stone to experience interdimensional consciousness, helping to go into the depths of the subconscious world and come back with new insights while staying grounded.
Orange Kyanite is the rarest of all the varieties. The Orange shade of Kyanite can help function as a catalyst for many, activating the power of the sacral center - the seat for our creative and passionate energies. It can help to clear old wounds from this area and bring an influx of fresh energy. It’s an incredible stone to work with for manifestation, use of creative will and bringing inner visions to outer form.
Kunzite is a lovely pink variety of Spodumene, and is connected to the Heart center. It helps to open the heart to all the energies of Love. It is a potent healer of the emotional body, encouraging the release of fear. Its energies also help you to become more receptive to experience Love and energy, and this stone can facilitate profound experiences of Universal Love. Kunzite really helps to develop a love for all that is.
Labradorite is a great stone of inner awareness. It also helps the wearer to realize their innate magic and increases the capacity to visualize and to see with the inner eye and be in harmony with our Divine purpose. Labradorite is a protective stone that when worn as a pendant, creates a force field around the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within. In this capacity it also helps prevent anyone from using or draining your energy, in which you are usually left exhausted from interaction with that person. This visually striking, magical stone is ideal for both protection and self discovery.
Labradorite one of the most powerful protectors of the mineral kingdom, creating a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against negativity, and provides safe exploration of the inner self and alternate levels of consciousness.
Lapis Lazuli is a wonderful, vibrant blue stone with flecks of golden pyrite. This stone has been used throughout history by many different cultures around the world. Ancient Egyptians used this stone in scarabs, beads, and jewelry and was often used as an inlay in burial ornaments of Egyptian kings and queens. Lapis is known as a stone of inner truth and royal virtues, helping us to realize our greatest inner truth. It also enhances meditative journeys and visionary awareness.
Larimar is the embodiment of the tranquil Sea and Sky energies. The patterns within the stone seem to resemble sunlight dancing on water. Larimar is one of the cardinal Water Element stones, though it is born from Volcanic origins. It is one of the few stones to balance the polarities of these energies, cooling tempers and calming fears as well as helping to relieve stress and nurturing the energies of both the physical and emotional bodies. It brings the ancient wisdom of Atlantis and the healing power of Dolphins (it is sometimes also known as the "Dolphin Stone). It is powerfully connected to the Divine Feminine and is considered a stone of clear communication, helping to provide the strength and courage needed to speak openly from the Heart.
Lava Rock helps to increase ones fire and earth element energy. It was once molten lava and now is stone. It is considered a stone of strength, grounding and protection. It can also help create stronger ties with the earth because this once fire form has transformed into the element of Earth.
Lemurian Seed Crystals are Quartz crystals that resonate especially powerfully with the frequency of Love and Spirit. Lemuria is said to have been a civilization with a deep connection to the emotional and spiritual domains and this sense of oneness is carried through the vibrations of these crystals. They are teaching stones that transmit the energy of unconditional love. Helpful for attuning to spiritual guidance and is also great to use during meditation and healing work
Leopardskin Jasper is associated with Shaman Travel and Spiritual Discovery. It reflects the duality between dark and light, teaching one to recognize dark as a complement to light rather than the opposite. It is helpful in journeying and getting in touch with one’s power animal. Leopardskin also strengthens the sense of self, attracting the right energies into one’s life to heal and move beyond past traumas, while being guided to new opportunities.
Lepidolite is a purple variety of mica and is considered a stone of serenity and grace. It is extremely effective for calming frayed nerves and helps alleviate stress and worry. It is a great balancer of emotional extremes and helps us find a strong, stable center and learn how to handle minor upsets and prevent them from turning into an emotional tailspin. A great stone to work with particularly for those who experience excessive worry or fear.
Magnesite, sometimes called "buffalo turquoise" may promote unity and aids in balancing the two hemispheres of the brain. It encourages communication between mind and heart and also stimulates that part of the brain that listens to the heart. It is also a great stone for balancing emotions. It helps one to feel safe and supported, promoting emotional harmony. Magnesite helps in the process of self-reflection and illuminates inner seeing
Magnetite is a naturally magnetic iron oxide crystal and makes an excellent stone for helping to balance energetic polarities. It is highly attuned to the physical plane, although can help to bring our physical and spiritual planes into harmony. It is a grounding stone, that can help to counter feelings of spaciness and disorientation by re-establishing our connection to the Earth, helping to prevent energy overload and/or burnout. Its natural magnetism helps bring our own energy field back into balance, encouraging overall health and well-being
Malachite is a stone of leadership, protection and confidence. It can help you learn to take confident action without ego-based motivation. Malachite is stimulating to both the Solar Plexus and the Heart, helping you to learn to use your power and make choices from the heart, and lends strength in doing so.
Merlinite is known as a stone of magic and strengthens our connection to elemental energies. It helps to open the psychic channels and deeper intuitive abilities, allowing us to part the veil between the visible and invisible worlds. It can activate ones inner radar to visionary dreamwork, past-life experiences, and connecting with the archetypal energies and elements of nature.
Mica is a muscovite mineral with lots of layers. It is said to have reflective qualities that can help us to recognize flaws and see them with love and as opportunities for growth. It is used to improve visions and clarity . It is used to diminish anger, hostility, and nervous energy and enhance your spiritual flexibility. Mica aligns energy of the body and releases blockages of energy within the body.
Since meteorite are rocks from outerspace and are literally the physical history of our Universe. They are known to help us access interdimensional knowledge. These stones carry the spiritual knowledge of the solar system and encourage us to access it. They help to open the telepathic channels to the varying levels of high-frequency energies among other stars and planets, in turn, increasing our inner wisdom.
Moldavite is a glassy, green variety of meteorite that is only found in the Czech Republic.
Moldavite is considered a spiritual talisman. It promotes rapid spiritual awakening, growth and transformation. It has been called the "Cosmic Attunement Stone", allowing for incredible inner journeys. It activates, enhances and accelerates the beneficial effects of other stones, magnifying the energy of both stones. It raises your vibration and offers an energy of spiritual protection. It will disconnect you from unhealthy attachments and magnetize the people and situations that you need most for your evolutionary progress.
Mook Jasper/ Mookite works to keep us physically aware. It activates the deeper aspects of the mind and genetic memory to help perceive and release unneeded ancestral patterns. Mookite, as it is sometimes also called, raises our physical vibrations and helps remind us of our infinite, ageless spirit.
Moonstone is known as the stone of mystery and intuition. Like our moon, moonstone encourages us to be aware of the cycles in our lives. We have our own phases that wax and wane and this stone encourages the celebration and understanding of those phases. It has strong feminine energies and has also been called the stone of the Goddess. Moonstone enhances the intuitive side of the mind and can take you on deep inner journeys and can facilitate connection with a more feminine energy, motivating nonlinear thinking and emotional equilibrium.
Moonstone is considered the stone of the Goddess and has strong feminine energies. It helps enhance the intuitive side of the mind and can motivating nonlinear thinking, helping to see cycles and situations with clarity and emotional equilibrium.
Gray Moonstone carries the energy of the New Moon wherein all things exist as potential.
Peach Moonstone has a tender energy that allows us to see the positive, loving existence of the Divine in all situations. It is also very soothing to the emotional body.
White Moonstone carries the energy of the Full Moon and can magnify the emotions. It also stimulates psychic perception and enhances dream work.
Blue Moonstone promotes clarity of mind and inner vision, keeping one focused while in a meditative state. It is helpful in seeing emotional patterns and in balancing yin/yang energies.
Rainbow Moonstones vibrate more powerfully than other varieties of moonstone. They are powerful healers of the emotional body and function like a prism that diffuses energy throughout the aura and can enable activation of the Rainbow Light Body.
Moss Agate is agate with literal fossilized moss inside. It represents stability and persistence. This stone helps to bring peace and stability to the emotional body and is particularly beneficial to those who have come to rely on emotional drama. Moss agate encourages patience and helps achieve a great feeling of inner calm. This stone is very connected with the energies of the Earth and therefore helps to facilitate our connection with these grounding and balancing energies, assisting the spirit’s overall sense of peace and wholesomeness.
Morganite is the pink variety of beryl, sometimes called “pink emerald”. This lovely peachy pink stone represents Divine Love and Compassion. Morganite encourages being more receptive of the words, actions and energy of others and less protective of our emotional vulnerability; it teaches protection through love rather than through fear. It has many heart-activating qualities and encourages us toward the Universal Heart Frequency.