Agates in general are highly regarded as a stabilizing and strengthening influence. The layered bands of microscopic quartz in Agate may appear delicate, they are actually very strong, and reflective of these energetic properties. Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing the yin and yang. (See more specific varieties under each title.)
Albite is a feldspar mineral, making it a cousin to Moonstone. It aids in clarity of thought and enhances tactful cooperation with others. Albite gives an easy and effortless flow to all relationships, situations and interactions. It supports personal freedom and self-empowerment in times of change. Albite is a stone of action and resolution, encouraging and insightful.
Amazonite is a stone for heartfelt communication. Assists in seeing harmful tendencies, releasing old patterns. It links the Heart Center with the Throat so that we may express our heart through communication. It is also a stone of harmony, helping to align our actions to our words. Considered a good stone for artists, writers, musicians, public speakers alike.
Amber is a fossilized tree resin and carries the vibration of organic life. This "stone" is known as a natural purifier which acts on the energetic, emotional and physical levels. The nurturing energy of amber is a great ally when recovering from illness or injury or seasonal depression. In many ways, amber is a form of solid sunlight and therefore is an excellent source of Light energy in any environment!
Amethyst is a wonderful stone for connecting more deeply with the spirit. It promotes peace of mind and is known for being spiritually protective and purifying. Known as a great friend to travelers, it promotes peace of mind and stimulates connection with your angels and guides. It can help facilitate meditation, assisting with focus, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst helps keeps spirit in the spotlight and reminds us that we are all spiritual beings that are living and existing in a physical experience
Ammonite is a fossil and existed in nature about 400 million years ago. Fossils, in general represent time, eternity and evolution. They are traditionally worn as protective amulets. They have a strong Earth energy and are used in finding your way down the “spiritual spiral path” to the center where the divine self is waiting within. Ammonites are said to work to throw any negative energy out through its vortex of spinning, spiraling energy. They can help release karmic debris and harmful thought patterns, while helping to attain and enhance personal power within the Self.
Andalusite is an excellent stone for cleansing the aura and to activate the higher chakras. It is an ancient, friendly stone that is great for healers , working with the entire energetic field creating a circuit of energy. Also useful for tapping into memory, and helps facilitate access to the Akashic Records, while also protecting the aura.
Angelite is a form of Blue Anhydrite and is heavily associated with Angelic Communication, dream work and soothing self-expression. This tranquil wind element ally works closely with the Throat, Third Eye and Crown chakra, helping to open these energy centers to the angelic domains so that we may communicate more clearly with our higher guidances. It is a great stone for dreamwork, and can be useful in remembering our dreams and the information and guidance received in those dreams.
Apache Tears are said to especially relieve grief and sadness as well as assisting in giving and accepting forgiveness. They can help release negative emotions, and lend balance to one's emotional state. They are gentle grounding stones and excellent meditation tools, especially for clarifying issues and gaining insight. Traditionally, the apache tear is said to be one of the tears shed by Native American women in mourning for their warriors who were driven from a cliff by the U.S. cavalry. It is used for comfort in times of grief, providing insight and acceptance.
Blue Apatite is a stone of knowledge. It can help with the awareness and understanding of any karmic influences contributing to one’s current life situation. Can be used in dreamwork for creative problem solving and it useful for accessing past-life information as well.
Golden Apatite is an excellent stone to inspire creativity, confidence and manifestation. It helps to release any blockages of solar plexus and allows for the development of greater self-confidence and self-worth. This is very much a stone of spiritual prosperity, helping us to connect with our passions and dreams and encouraging the action to manifest them.
Apophyllite is known as an interdimensional stone, ideal for attuning to the higher frequencies of the angelic domain. Apophyllite infuses the aura with Light energy, helping to balance and stimulate the energetic systems. It is great for use during meditation and is a very mentally active stone, helping us to understand spiritual lessons and activating inner vision.
Aquamarine is a powerful cleansing stone for the emotional body. It embodies the water element and can help calm fiery energies. Its cooling and soothing energy can be a great ally when emotional baggage becomes too heavy. This aqua blue gem is also known to enhance intuition, and to strengthen communication, encouraging clear expression of our highest truth.
Aragonite Star Clusters are powerful emotional cleansers. Their energy is soothing and energizing, facilitating the clearing and activating of the auric field, chakras and meridians. They can help release attachments to emotional drama and facilitate connection with higher states of consciousness. It blends the energies of all five elements helping to create a sense of equilibrium and completion.
There are many varieties of Aura Quartz and each will be listed further below. All Aura Quartz is natural Clear Quartz which has undergone a special infusion process using pure gold, silver, platinum, indium, titanium, copper and various other metals. This process involves heating the Quartz to extremely high temperatures (in excess of 1600°F) then adding the purified metal in a vacuum, which bonds it to the surface. The result is a permanent coating which has been bonded with the crystal at a molecular level. Metaphysically, coated or Aura Quartz crystals have all of the properties of Quartz, but with the additional benefits of the individual metal. Gold, in particular, is considered the master healer, with platinum having the highest vibration for spiritual work.
Angel Aura Quartz symbolizes upliftment, serenity, expanded awareness and angelic connection. A stone of the inner temple, it brings the mind to a place of purification and rest. It is also considered an activator of inner brilliance, aligning the chakra system and activating the rainbow light body.
Aqua Aura Quartz is a variety of quartz that has been bonded with Gold. There is a special treatment process in which the surface of the quartz point, or clusters, is bonded with vaporized Gold. This result is a dazzling blue finish. Metaphysically, Aqua Aura quartz is known for giving off a very calming and relaxing energy but also has a very high and intense vibration. It helps us connect with the spirit and encourages heartfelt communication. Aqua Aura quartz also releases negative energies from the auric field bringing inner peace and release from stress.
Imperial Gold Quartz (aka Tangerine Aura Quartz) links Heart with the Will. This allows us to manifest from the heart and to bring our actions into alignment with our highest good. It is an extremely optimistic stone that helps invigorate, heal, recharge and re-motivate as it increases the flow of abundance into our lives. Imperial Gold Quartz is a clear quartz crystal that has been treated with vaporized iron and titanium. These two metals, along with small amounts of other metal oxides, creates a fabulous golden iridescence.
Rainbow Aura Quartz is a clear quartz crystal that has been treated with vaporized Titanium. The titanium, along with small amounts of other metal oxides, creates a multi-colored, metallic, iridescence. This stone can ignite the inner Rainbow Body of Light. This treated quartz crystal helps you to feel more focused, confident and ready for whatever may need your attention. It can help you to remain more aware of everything around you and become more amused by life. Wearing this crystal can make you feel grounded, centered, and energized all at once! This stone is pretty “user-friendly” and most anyone can benefit from exposure to it
Rose Aura Quartz works closely with the Heart Chakra. Known to instill a sense of Loving kindness and can aid in enhancing forgiveness. A great ally to help heal emotional trauma and in recovering from any type of abuse on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
Tanzan Aura Quartz is created when Clear Quartz is treated with a combination of Indium, Niobium and Gold. It strongly resonates with the Soul Star chakra (the 8th chakra above the head) and increases our connection with the spirit. This stone aids compassionate insight and helps open the inner eye to awareness of other worlds. It helps unify our individual consciousness with that of our Higher Self and gracefully allows us to release stress and worries that may have stunted our growth emotionally. This is a great stone for spiritual connection and expansion.
Green Aventurine is a variety of Quartz with fine green Fuschite crystals on the inside, giving it its color. It is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, as it represents growth and good fortune. Green Aventurine is a comforting stone and heart healer, as well as a remarkable harmonizer, uniting the intellectual, emotional, physical and auric bodies in bringing one back into a natural rhythm.
Red/Orange Aventurine is a stone of vitality and renewal encouraging manifestation through action. It is closely associated with the sacral chakra and can inspire creativity and passion. As a stone of action, it can amplify our desire to take on life’s challenges with determination and perseverance.
Azurite is highly intuitive stone named for its deep azure color. It offers guidance through intuition and assists with achieving deep levels of meditations. It also encourages clear thinking, decisiveness, verbalization of truth.
May often be found growing with Malachite.
Barite is a stone of inner vision and energetic alignment. It provides a smooth and clear connection to the higher worlds, making it a wonderful choice to use in dream work and the understanding of our higher purpose.
Bismuth is known for amplifying energy, and it is very effective in healing or color therapy. Bismuth relieves symptoms of isolation, both spiritually and emotionally. As a stone of transformation, it calms disorder and helps push changes in the right direction. Energy is transformed from the crown chakra to the base chakra, helping to actualize our intentions. It can be used on all chakras.
Bloodstone regularly emanates a steady vibration of purification and well-being. Bloodstone has been regarded as a stone of the spiritual warrior and has been connected with the story of Jesus and the Cross. It is thought to instill courage and provide emotional support during hard times while reminding us to stay on path. It is an amazing purifier of both the physical and spiritual bodies; regulating blood and finding inner strength.
Blue Lace Agate: represents communication and clarity. The energy of this stone opens, clears, and balances the Throat chakra, and offers support from overstimulation. It can help those who talk excessively to find the beauty of inner stillness and only say what needs to be said. This variety of agate aids in understanding the importance of communicating one’s truth, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Blue Quartz is a naturally occurring clear Quartz with tiny blue inclusions that create a pale to mid-blue color. Its energy brings harmony and order, mental clarity and eases fear. It is great to use symbolically for soothing communication and building trust.
Botswana Agate: helps with understanding the complete picture. This stone guides us to look towards the solution of situation rather than dwelling on the problem. This variety of agate helps to reduce depression and stress as well as maintain an overall awareness of good character.
Carborundum is an abrasive Mineral that is actually the second hardest material to diamond... even harder than its predecessor, Corundum (rubies and sapphires). It is often manufactured as an abrasive material for cutting, polishing and sanding.
Carborundum has been found to balance the chakras, and is calming and gently grounding. It shields and protects, particularly in cases of electromagnetic stress. It allows for inner expansion in an orderly and organized manner, as if each individual cell has been allocated the same amount of space around it. In spite of the dark coloration of the stone, its general mood is light and happy.
Calcite is a double refractive mineral, making any text look doubled when viewed through the crystal like a lense. Let this be a guide in your identification of Calcite! Here is more specific information on individual Calcite varieties:
Blue Calcite is both a fire and air element stone that is connected strongly with the throat and third eye chakra. It is considered a soothing stone for the emotions and can help release stress and instill a more empowered outlook on life. It is also tied strongly with the intuition, making it a great stone to use when stimulating inner vision and inspiration.
Cobalt Calcite is known as a Seeker Builder Crystal that can help to focus your efforts to achieve a highly desirable goal. This is a wonderfully soothing pink crystal, and can help soothe the emotions and work to restore balance within a home during excess conflict.
Pink Calcite is a wonderfully soothing stone for the Heart. Its energy speaks of compassion and loving radiance towards oneself and others. It is excellent for all aspects of emotional healing and can clear past trauma from the emotional body whether from this lifetime, or a previous one. It embodies both the fire and water element and stimulates both the Heart and the Solar plexus, allowing us to take action based on the truth of the heart.
Yellow Calcite is often used to enhance one's will and self-confidence. Its vibration encourages optimism and organization through intellect. It is an uplifting and joyful stone that bring enthusiasm to the user.
Candle Quartz is recognized by a myriad of smaller terminations surrounding a larger central point. The smaller ones can be either very sharp, as found in translucent candle quartz, or almost rounded as is usually found in opaque crystals. Candle Quartz is a stone of self-control. It acts like a candle, shining light into the dark recesses of the inner self.
Celestite has a very gentle and uplifting energy that helps to raise our awareness and sense of inner truth. It can be useful for easing into meditation while still remaining focused. It assists in opening the higher chakras and senses to perceive intuitive information. Celestite teaches the value of patience and the perfect trust in the Divine process.
Carnelian is a variety of Red Agate and is known to bring an influx of life force. It stimulates passionate and creative energy and teaches appropriate use of assertive will. Carnelian can encourage taking the risks required for strong action. It is a stone of action, helping to bring concepts into being and increases your passion for living.
Chalcedony is a member of the Quartz family with a cryptocrystalline structure, perfect for magnifying its crystal energy to soothe and restore balance.
Chalcedony is known as the Speaker's Stone, the stone of one who must measure his words. It encourages reflection and meditation, its gentle radiance preparing us for action but helping to hold back words we might regret. It is still in use today for meditations, and as a pathway for receiving successful thought transmissions
Chert is a fairly common mineral that is often used in the making of arrowheads. Chert can help to ground the spiritual body, improving consciousness and over all life force. This can be very helpful for those who feel uncoordinated and flighty in the physical plane.
Charoite is a complex mineral found in Siberia. It facilitates an understanding of your truest path of service and assists in acclimating to higher-frequency vibrations. Charoite helps to overcome resistance to your sacred path and helps release unconscious fears and disharmonies.
Chrysocolla is a beautiful blue stone that can often be found growing in combination with Malachite and Azurite. Chrysocolla is a stone of the communication and expression. It helps one to speak and communicate from the heart. It encourages you to share your true self and to address your inner wisdom so that others may benefit from your experiences. Its gentle, soothing energy is a wonderful aid for those that may find it difficult to share their true selves and speak from their hearts.
Chrysoprase is a rich green stone that carries properties for healing as well as abundance and prosperity. This stone helps empower you to understand more deeply, the concepts around Divine Truth, as you center yourself within your heart. It is considered a stone of happiness, helping to let go of ego-based patterns of the past and moving into a heart-centered and joyful state of being.
Citrine is a golden variety of quartz that magnifies your powers of will, creativity and manifestation. It helps to harmonize the energies between the mind and the will, assisting in clearer thinking, efficient learning and positive perception. Citrine assists in releasing negative thought patterns, encouraging optimism and creativity. Use Citrine to assist in sifting through what you wish to create and turn ideas into a reality.
Copper is a metal and so is a brilliant physical conductor of electricity and heat, and similarly it is also considered the conductor of the spiritualist's belief system. According to tradition, copper has the ability to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, energetic bodies, the mind and the spirit world.
Coral represents diplomacy and harmony. It has been used to quiet the emotions and bring peace within the self. It can also be used to help strengthen the bones and stimulate tissue regeneration.
Danburite is a clear, to sometimes almost pink crystal with a very soft and soothing energy. It helps to release stress and worry by soothing the heart chakra. It clears and opens the crown chakra, linking and harmonizing it with the heart. It soothes the emotional body, bringing in a frequency of comfort and angelic rescue. Its energy encourages resonance with the Divine heart and the manifestation of high-frequency energy through the physical body.
Dendritic Agate is known as the Stone of Plentitude. It brings abundance and fullness to all areas of life, from business to agricultural endeavors. It was associated with the ancient Greek dryads, woodland and tree spirits, and was buried in the fields at the time of sowing to insure a good harvest. Indoors, Dendritic or Tree Agates can bring a breath of fresh air to stagnant environments. Dendritic Agate encourages the acceptance of one's origin and the connection to the natural states of the universe. It is a stone to help heal the Earth and to stimulate a peacefulness within the structure of the inner environment.
The Desert Rose symbolizes all things that are possible. They enhance love and teamwork, they tell you to go for your dreams without restraint and help to dissolve self imposed restrictions and programs holding you back. Desert Roses can be used to strengthen affirmation of purpose in your life
Diamonds have long been represented as a stone of eternity, sovereignty and radiance. It resonates with the uppermost chakras, helping to activate and expand inner vision and true inner beauty. Its connection with the highest realms of the spirit encourages us to express our most sacred self.
Diopside has a strong connection to Gaia, Mother Earth and can increase our planetary consciousness, and awareness of the realms within. It is a heart opening stone and may allow one to deeply explore the connection between humanity and nature.
Dioptase is incredibly prismatic. It clears and stimulates all chakras to a higher level of awareness, bringing fresh energy to physical, emotional, mental bodies. Heals heart scars by opening, energizing heart chakra, bringing loving energies to physical body. Enhances clarity of connection between physical and ethereal bodies. Helps eliminate oppressive feelings and encourages living to ones fullest potential.
Elestial Quartz is a variety of Quartz with natural terminations along the body of a layered etched crystal. Elestial Quartz crystals are like switchboards linking multiple dimensions, times and levels of consciousness to one another. These crystals constantly emanate vibrations that remind us and reconnect us to the inner worlds of Spirit. They easily attune to the Akashic records and to the eternal wisdom that permeates the Universe.
Emerald is an amazing stone for the Heart. It is known to help open and nurture the heart, providing healing and a sense of vitality and freshness for the spirit. Also encourages patience, unity, sense of security and domestic bliss. Considered a stone of the Open Heart, which is considered an invitation for the truest of universal blessings and Emerald helps to nurture this energy. It can provide a sense of vitality and freshness for the spirit, allowing the display of one’s compassion without fea
Epidote is a stone of increase. It attracts more of what you already emanate. It is known to enhance emotional and spiritual progress by helping us to embrace positive patterns. Epidote clears away negativity by cleansing repressed emotions once and for all and opens the doorway for spiritual growth.
This richly colored stone has a strong connection to the Heart and Root energy centers and can help connect the force of Love with the force of Life. It helps open the heart to a greater sense of self love and acceptance, while overcoming fear and self doubt in order to create a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Faden Quartz are a self-healed variety of quartz. They are identified by their white line running through, and this is where the crystal had once broken, then re-healed itself. Because of their formation, faden quartz carry the capacity for healing very strongly within their natural programming and are great allies for helping to repair holes or breaks in the aura. This regained integrity helps act as a vibrational bandage to stabilize the energy field and catalyze physical healing
The Fairy Stone concretions consist of fine sand and silt consolidated by a natural limestone cement. These stones are common to northern Quebec and are usually found on the bottom of lake shores or riverbeds after being flushed by the currents. This stone is also known by several other names: Menilite, Goddess Stone and Mineraloid Opal.
As the name suggests, this stone helps to one to connect with the fae folk. Having one of these in your field allow you to remain connected with the benevolent spirits of the faerie realm and can serve as a door knocker to those spirits and that domain when desired. It’s energy also speaks greatly to the divine feminine and being in balance with nature and all of its beings.
Early North American natives often wore these as a symbol of good luck during expeditions and lovers would often offer the most beautiful pebbles to their beloved.
Fluorite is an excellent stone that is great for clearing the discordant energies and supporting the mind. It has been known to enhance intuition, improve decision making, quiet worried thoughts and boost overall mental clarity. This stone is able to harmonize both hemispheres of the brain, allowing them to work together creating a greater ‘whole brain’ state of consciousness.
Fire Agate awakens the lower chakras and lights our inner fire. It activates the senses and stimulates our life force, creativity, and passion. This is a refreshing stone that increases the pleasure we take in everyday life. This warm stone of expression increases the zest for living and creates an overall sense of vitality.
Garden Quartz is a variety Clear Quartz with Lodolite inclusions. The clear quartz amplifies the Lodolite within which brings strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Garden Quartz helps us connect to the Earth and her needs. The energies are grounding and loving, not particularly focused on the spiritual world above, but the real loving Earth below. Its healing energies are those of long term adaptation and change.
Garnet promotes overall vitality and endurance. It creates a sense of security and abundance within the self and can help you release your worries and fears. It is a very Earth centered stone and helps the body to connect with the revitalizing energies within the Earth
Spessartite Garnet is powerful stone of attraction. It can help to magnetize your desires. This stone resonates strongly with the creative energies of the Universe. Spessartite garnet increases charisma, and magnifies the vibrations of the second chakra, emphasizing creativity and sexuality, encouraging us to take action toward our dreams, visions and goals.
Green Garnet carries the energy of prosperity. It is a very optimistic stone and it encourages you to find your highest path of achievement in this world. It provides the motivation to get to work and make things happen
Goldstone is man-made glass infused with copper particles. There are stories of glass workers back in the seventeeth century that accidentally spilled a bowl of copper shavings into the molten glass, resulting in the shimmering copper flecks once it cooled. The process of combining copper shavings into glass still continues today to produce this glittering gold stone, and it has been discovered that the additions of other metals like cobalt, manganese or chromium result in other colors like, Blue and Green “Goldstone”. And, because glass is made from quartz sand (silica), Goldstone has found its way into the healing community.
Goldstone, like diamond, is a good deflector of unwanted energies, and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. It is known as a stone of ambition and vitality, building energy and improving confidence, and can be great to use for long distance healing.